We’ve Got You God!

Life is a joke. And a damn good one. If you were a God, and you would want to have a laugh, and you could create anything you’d want to, what would you do? What would you create? I know what I would do: I would create a world with little ‘things’ on it, give these things a limited capacity to think, and then just see what happens, just see what they will come up with. Just watch them running around. Each morning and evening I would take a look at them, look at how they deal with the situation I’d put them in. Watching them form alliances, working their asses off, fighting each other and thinking: thinking about why it actually is that they are there.

Think about it: if you would have to create an absolute absurd situation, and you would have unlimited powers to do so, what would you come up with? Probably not a series like Family Guy, right? No, you would strive for the best: for the most absurd thing you could come up with. After all, why would you create Family Guy, if you could create a world, put creatures on it, program these creatures so that they think they are able to discover the world’s secrets but – without most of them realising it – make them incapable of doing so. Maybe you would put a few ‘natural laws’ in order: the law of gravity, electromagnetism etc., or come up with a few ‘elements’ (protons, neutrons, electrons etc.) that make up everything in the creatures’ world, including themselves.

But you would never reveal everything: you would never explain the purpose behind all of it, because you don’t want the creatures to unravel the mystery you have created. There has to be a point at which their limited abilities fail. Them knowing about electrons and other irrelevant entities is okay, but having them know anything of real value would just spoil the fun. They shouldn’t get the feeling that they get it. Just enough for them to believe that they’re the most intelligent things that have ever walked ‘their’ earth. And just enough for them not to kill themselves in total despair.

But what if the creator has underestimated the little creatures? What if the creatures would be able to see through the facade? What if they would come to see that they’re part of one big joke? And what if they would even enjoy the the fact that they are part of a joke? That would spoil the fun for the omnipotent and ever joy-seeking creator, wouldn’t i? So he must make sure that they don’t come to believe that their lives are nothing but a joke: he must create enough misery in their lives to remind them that their pain is real. He must make sure that the minds of the creatures are occupied with impulses to stay alive, impulses telling the creatures what to do with their lives and how to run their societies. Everything to keep their thoughts away from the joke.

But we have got you God. You can quit playing now. Just take some rest and come back to us when you’ve a better one, okay?

But what do you think?

Written by Rob Graumans

3 thoughts on “We’ve Got You God!

  1. Pingback: Carnival of Creativity May 12, 2013 | The Writing Reader

  2. Under this view of God, if you are actually serious, then it would be well within His ability to limit our thoughts whenever they approached this level of meta consideration. The idea of life as a joke could be removed as laughable, especially so in the minds of those who would publish as philosophers and influence others, and so never given any credence. Indeed if God created the world as a joke and has not stopped us from realising this then He would have done it with the express intention of getting us ‘in on it’.

    • I full agree with you Tom. He could have done that. But it might be that he has not, because watching us come to realise that this might all be a joke, without us being able to change anything about this situation, might satisfy him; it shows our utter powerlessness, and confirming his almightiness. Also, he might enjoy seeing some of us stumbling on this truth, yet being unable to convince other human beings of it due to the impossibility to intellectually convince anyone of the existence or non-existence of such a God. I can imagine that – given that these would be his intentions – he would have a great time. Don’t you think so?

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